A brand new series from 4MileCircus: 4MileCircus Tips!
Every Tuesday 4MileCircus presents a new video tip with advice on how to approach social media, crowdfunding, and/or video production.
This week: Facebook Optimization: Images
Your facebook page is a place to represent your project in the best light. Take advantage of the platform’s features by optimizing it. As on most platforms, Facebook has header and profile images. The larger header image visually dominates the page, so make sure it’s on-brand and enticing. Also make sure your image is the correct dimensions and looks great once uploaded. Your profile image is also prominently displayed and shows up everytime you post as your business on facebook, either on your own page or elsewhere. Make it interesting and distinctive, perhaps your logo or something else that quickly and clearly represents your brand. Perhaps most importantly, make sure it’s clear and looks great in the small size it will most often appear as. You can have the best image in the world and it won’t matter if it’s illegible when people check Facebook on their phones.
For more on this topic visit: http://www.4milecircus.com/2016/is-your-facebook-page-optimized/
Produced by 4MileCircus (4milecircus.com)
Music by Shawn Setaro (theciphershow.com)